“Why declare that things shall not be done which there is no power to do? Why for instance, should it be said that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power is given by which restrictions may be imposed?” – Alexander Hamilton, on the Bill of Rights.
Biden uses rape to criticize Republicans
When a woman got raped, blame her because she was wearing a skirt too short, she looked the wrong way or she wasn’t home in time to make the dinner. – Biden uses rape to criticize Republicans.
The New Civility
The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation-Obama
“The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation”. – Candidate Obama, December 20, 2007, Boston.com
Windows at Washington D.C. Republican office shot out
The new civility at work:
Time – “Dead Man Walker”
The “New Civility” at work, Time states March 12, 2011 “Wisconsin’s Governor Wins, but Is He Now Dead Man Walker?
Why Make BIG Problems Out of LITTLE Problems?
“Well, that was easy to fix. Big dogs need big beds. Little dogs need little beds. Why make big problems out of little problems?”
The Bird in “Big Dog, Little Dog” by P.D. Eastman
If Charlie Sheen outlives me, I’m gonna be really pissed.
I exercise regularly. I eat moderate amounts of healthy food. I make sure to get plenty of rest. I see my doctor once a year and my dentist twice a year. I floss every night. I’ve had chest x–rays, cardio stress tests, EKG’s and colonoscopies. I see a psychologist and have a variety of hobbies to reduce stress. I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. I don’t do drugs. I don’t have crazy, reckless sex with strangers.
If Charlie Sheen outlives me, I’m gonna be really pissed.
We have three branches of government, we have a House, we have a Senate, we have a President. Senator Chuck Schumer
We have three branches of government, we have a House, we have a Senate, we have a President.
Senator Chuck Schumer (D)
Amazing that this person was elected to the Senate when he doesn’t even understand the basics of the Constitution.
Obama on Roe v. Wade
Today marks the 38th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that protects women’s health and reproductive freedom, and affirms a fundamental principle: that government should not intrude on private family matters.
I am committed to protecting this constitutional right. I also remain committed to policies, initiatives, and programs that help prevent unintended pregnancies, support pregnant women and mothers, encourage healthy relationships, and promote adoption.
And on this anniversary, I hope that we will recommit ourselves more broadly to ensuring that our daughters have the same rights, the same freedoms, and the same opportunities as our sons to fulfill their dreams. Barack Obama, January 22, 2011
Let’s examine a few items with his statement, the inconsistencies with words and actions are astounding:
“ government should not intrude on private family matters.” Unless:
a. It is to force you under penalty of law to buy health insurance.
b. It is to tell us what light bulbs we must use in our private family residence.
c. It is to require 1099s for anyone who is paid more than $600 per year.
etc. The government intrudes in private family matters daily. President Obama is right that the Federal government should not do so, but back it up with actions and consistency.
“our daughters have the same rights, the same freedoms, and the same opportunities as our sons to fulfill their dreams”
I certainly agree with the quoted statement. By this logic, though, if one parent does not agree to the pregnancy, then they should not be bound to support the child or the other parent. The burden on the “son’s” “rights, freedoms, opportunities, and dreams” is not negligible, in fact it is as much as the “daughter’s”. “Sons” have no rights now to demand an abortion in order to “fulfill their dreams” nor do the “sons” have the right to fulfill their dreams.
Steve Cohen (D-TN) compared Republicans to Nazis
Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) compared Republicans to Nazis “a big lie just like Goebbels.” The New Civility at work: