AT&T asked to comment on its Privacy Policy

We have asked AT&T to comment on its privacy policy.   Specifically we asked:

1. Why doesn’t AT&T verify email addresses it sends emails to?
2. Why does AT&T not provide a link in the emails it sends out to allow “good samaritans” to report that AT&T is sending someone else’s records to them?
3. Why don’t AT&T customer service representatives take calls letting them know that they are sending information to the wrong addresses?
4. Why do AT&T representatives state that they do not care whether AT&T emails are republished?

Specifically, as recounted previously AT&T has sent us information for various AT&T customers and each time has been rude and unhelpful when we go to report them.

January 20, 2010: AT&T did not respond for comments on its privacy policy, but did ask for a copy of the most recent email regarding Mordecai Alpert’s account.  On a humorous note, AT&T did BEGIN sending us account statements for Richard Schweitzer, without any means of reporting it, so, Mr Richard Schweitzer, you can get your account information on-line:

Your Wireless Bill is Ready Online
Your monthly wireless bill (for account 523013925279 ) is now available for review online.
Log in today to view your bill and make a payment.
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Log in today to view your bill and make a payment.
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AT&T sends us Mordecai Alpert’s information again

Great privacy on AT&T’s part.  So, Mordecai Alpert, please call AT&T.  The AT&T representative said they didn’t care if the information was posted and that they couldn’t do anything to correct the problem without talking to Mordecai Alpert (in Delray, FL) since he is the account owner.  So, Mordecai, please call AT&T and ask them (a) why they do NOT verify email addresses, and (b) do not provide a link to let them know they are sending it to the wrong address.  Most importantly, ask them why they don’t follow their own privacy policy better.


Please contact AT&T Wireless regarding account number 523024065xxx at 1-800-947-5096. Thank You.


Your Wireless Bill is Ready Online
Your monthly wireless bill (for account 523024065xxx ) is now available for review online.
Log in today to view your bill and make a payment.
Thank You,

Your Wireless Bill is Ready Online

Your monthly wireless bill (for account 523024065xxx ) is now available for review online.Log in today to view your bill and make a payment.
Thank You,AT&T

—————–Update, January 11, 2010:

Thank You

Your payment has been received and will be applied to your wireless account.

  • Amount: 142.49
  • Date: 01/11/2010
  • Confirmation number: QPCODT613957xxx

We appreciate your business.

Thank you,

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Obama Campaign Claimed McCain was going to tax your health insurance

Obama today agreed to tax health insurance while discussing it positively in December 2009.  This was after attacking John McCain for wanting to tax health plans during the campaign.  Here is the Obama Ad that attacks John McCain for wanting to tax health plans.  And here is the text of the ad:

(Obama): I’m Barack Obama and I approve this message.

(Announcer): On healthcare, John McCain promises a tax credit, but here’s what he won’t tell you.  McCain would impose a new tax on health benefits, taxing your healthcare for the first time ever.  Its a multi-trillion dollar tax hike.  The largest middle class tax increase in history.  You won’t find one word about it on his web site, but the McCain tax could cost your family thousands.  Can you afford it?

On NPR, Obama said before Christmas <continued> Continue reading Obama Campaign Claimed McCain was going to tax your health insurance

Obama: broadcasting those [health care] negotiations on C-SPAN

Barack Obama, January 2008: “That’s what I will do in bringing all parties together, not negotiating behind closed doors, but bringing all parties together, and broadcasting those [health care] negotiations on C-SPAN so that the American people can see what the choices are.” (Democratic presidential debate, 1/31/08)

Alas, follow-through is completely lacking.

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