New York is listed as the second most expensive city in the …

New York is listed as the second most expensive city in the United States to live in, a mere one point under San Francisco. Rudimentary common sense argues against attracting chronic welfare mothers and children to a city in which life is tough, crime high, dope especially tempting as it is for those who seek escapism. It is surely Mayor Giuliani’s point a) that welfare can’t be unlimited, and b) that no compassionate purposes are served in attracting the indigent to a city where unemployment is higher than the national average and the cost of living as unattractive as the winter weather. William F. Buckley Jr.
William F. Buckley Jr., National Review, June 12, 1995

Never click on “unsubscribe” links in email that is spam – e.g. unsolicited email that you did not request.

I get a ton of spam email. Some of the most notable ones are from the following where the corporations are incompetent and unable to verify an email address prior to creating an account. You should never click on any link in an email unless you are 100% sure that you know the sender and it has not been faked. 

I suspect that many of these are legit that someone were created by someone who didn’t know their own email address. They may be or may not be, there is no way to know.

Why shouldn’t you unsubscribe? Because you never know if the link you are clicking to “unsubscribe” is an actual unsubscribe link or a link to a zero-day exploit which will then compromise your device – your iPhone, Windows computer, Mac, Android device etc.

You should only hit the “spam” or “junk” button for any email that you didn’t subscribe to. Even if it could be a legit company, don’t risk it.

Here are some of the ones I get the most junk from: – continual receipts etc (, – continual bills from the UK,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Credit Karma incompetence

So someone fraudulently created an account at using my email address.

  1. does NOT require email verification prior to creating an account and then starts spamming.
  2. There is no way to notify them of the error.
  3. CreditKarma “support” is incompetent: “We need your birth date in order for me to pull up the right account and assist you better. Please provide the needed information in order for us to proceed with the process. “. “please also provide a physical mailing address”.
  4. Given someone is using only my email address, none of my personal information will help them.

So, please beware of CreditKarma, they do not seem very competent.

A social system is a code of laws which men observe in …

A social system is a code of laws which men observe in order to live together. Such a code must have a basic principle, a starting point, or it cannot be devised. The starting point is the question: Is the power of society limited or unlimited?Individualism answers: The power of society is limited by the inalienable, individual rights of man. Society may only make such laws as do not violate these rights.Collectivism answers: The power of society is unlimited. Society may make any laws it wishes, and force them upon anyone in any manner it wishes. Ayn Rand
Ayn Rand, Textbook of Americanism, Ayn Rand, 1905-1982