Category Archives: Abuse of Power

For most Americans, the world beyond the US’s borders is nothing more than an irritating nuisance

For most Americans, the world beyond the US’s borders is nothing more than an irritating nuisance. Hence arguments based on appeals about drowning Bangladeshis, starving Africans and flooded islands in Indonesia have little effect. … Many Americans clearly also believe that real climate change is just something dreamt up by the entertainment industry.  – Der Spiegel.  (See article).

You have to wonder about the author of the article with such short-sighted and ignorant comments.  We might say something like the following: “The people that brought us two world wars now want to control the rest of the world through climate change agreements instead of by force, but controlling us is what they want.”

Then again, we wouldn’t want to step down to anywhere near the level of Der Spiegel, but the authors comments are still some of the most ignorant we’ve heard from Germany in a while.  Der Spiegel might want to encourage to give freedom a try instead of pushing a socialist agenda. Freedom does not sit well with much of Europe.  Seeing a country that still is much freer than all of Europe can’t sit well when looking in the mirror.  Freedom in a country that saved them from complete totalitarianism twice in the last century can’t sit well when they have slowly given away their freedoms to unelected bureaucrats in Brussels.  Slavery for a good cause is still slavery.  Being manipulated into believing in man-made global warming may be comforting in that you can be “for” a “good cause,” but it is still being manipulated.

Nancy Pelosi Ignores Constitution with an “Are you serious?”

Reporter: Madam Speaker, where specifically does the Constitution grant Congress the authority to enact an individual health insurance mandate?”

Pelosi: “Are you serious? Are you serious?”

It is unbelievable that when asked where in the Constitution an individual mandate to buy health insurance is authorized, she responds with an “are you serious?”   Talk about one of the most ignorant responses to a quesiton about the Constitution by a Speaker in history.  Nancy Pelosi clearly has either not read the Constitution or the Federalist Papers or her own power is more important to her than the law of the land.

The people who voted for her should be ashamed of themselves for electing someone who is as foolish and uninformed as this woman.  Her interest in power over the people of the United States trumps all concern for freedom, liberty and the Constitution.

In order for collectivists (socialists, progressives, fascists, communists, etc.) to check their morality…

In order for collectivists (socialists, progressives, fascists, communists, etc.) to check their morality, they need only remove government as the intermediary of their programs. When they are exposed as clubbing other people for “charity,” housing rights, medical rights, job rights and all the other rights inimical to the right to self-ownership, property, and the liberty to use it, their brute force will lay naked for all to see. That they rely on government agents to do their mugging for them is an indication of their bravery. At least union members do not hesitate to threaten or use force, but they too often rely on paid goons. ~ Bill Holmes

Health Insurance penalties

In the health care bill passed last Tuesday (10/13/2009) by the Senate Finance Committee, adults who do not purchase health insurance would face an excise-tax penalty of $200 a year starting in 2014 and rising gradually to $750 in 2017.

Let’s analyze this.  You can pay whatever you are paying per month now for insurance or you can forgo buying insurance and pay an annual penalty knowing that you can buy insurance later when you need it.  Simple trade-off there.  Pay $500/month for health insurance now or pay $200/year penalty and only pay the $500 when you need it.

If even a percentage of people wait until they are sick to get coverage, costs will go up on the people who do not try to cheat the system.

The Federal government has one method of making a “universal coverage” mandate viable:  huge taxes that everyone has to pay followed by jail if they don’t.  Every other method can, and will, be gamed.  Look at all the other government programs that people cheat on: from military purchases, to food stamps being, to Social Security (relatives of the dead still collecting), to Medicare, to Medicaid (dump your assets so you qualify) to taxes.  Government socialized health care will be no different.

Even ignoring the Constitutionality of it, do we really want jail time for not having health insurance in what is supposed to be free country?

Overt Racism by Louisiana Judge!

Justice of the Peace Keith Bardwell in Tangipahoa Parish’s 8th Ward refused to perform an “inter-racial” marriage (see here).  Now Gov. Bobby Jindal is calling on him to have his license revoked.

While they are right, this “Justice” is anything but someone who dispenses “justice” and should be forced to resign, will the same standard be applied to the racist, sexist Justice Sonia Sotomayor who repeated, over two decades statements such as:

I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life” – Judge Sonia Sotomayor, 2001 (similar statements were made in 1994, 1999, 2000 and 2003)

Racism and sexism have no place any court and yet the Obama Administration and Congress have appointed a racist, sexist Supreme Court Justice and heralded it as a step forward.

Racism and sexism on the court is a step backwards.  (And the concept of “race” being defined by skin color makes about as much sense as saying “she is a green” because her eyes are green, or “he is a blue” because his eyes or blue, or “he is a red” because he has red hair.  It is absolute insanity to think that skin color would change someone’s “race”.  We’re all part of the human race, let’s just get over it.  Too bad Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Justice Bardwell are too uneducated and bigoted to appreciate reality.  And too bad Congress and the President support a sexist, racist like Justice Sotomayor.)

It wasn’t until approximately 120-140 years ago (depending on the area) that the government began getting involved in the marriage licensing business and providing differing impacts based on your marital status.  Until that point it was a religious issue.  If you found someone to marry you, you got married.  Imagine how that would make the political arguments today like this one?  They’d go away, it would be the private business of the parties involved.  It would be no one else’s business.  Likewise it wasn’t until well after the income tax was passed that it was used to encourage (or discourage) marriage.  Again, if the government treated individuals equally, it would not be an issue.  At the time of the Founding, the thought that the states would be involved in licensing marriage would have been a foreign concept.

As you can see by the comments below, when government gets involved, you end up with a political fight. Which is the intent.  That is why (as described here) power-hungry politicians want the government involved in the maximum of issues – they can then divide us and keep their power.

Finally, it is not the business of the Justice here to determine whether or not he personally approves or whether he believes it will harm any potential children.  His job is to enforce the law and the laws of the state do not prohibit inter-‘racial’ marriage.  Legislation from the bench is wrong no matter who is doing it.  If he can not uphold his oath to enforce the laws of the state (or Federal) he should resign.  A judge who will not enforce the law is not qualified to serve.  Whether he likes it or not, it is just too bad.

Racism is discrimination based on skin color, aka “race” (“colorism” or “skinism” would probably be a more accurate term).  Anyone, no matter the language they speak, the color of the eyes, skin or hair, gender or where they are from, who makes distinctions based on the color of someone’s skin is not just racist, they are ignorant.  Discrimination for someone’s idea of a good cause is as evil as discrimination for a bad cause.

No doubt the KKK thought their racism was for a “good cause,” but that does not mean it was not ignorant and was not racism.  The government must be color-blind in all its affairs or it is condoning racism – for example, affirmative action is not color blind. Just as slavery is bad whether it is “for someone’s idea of a good cause,” “for no cause,” or “for a bad cause” discrimination based on the color of someone’s skin is bad no matter what the motivation. People who discriminate “for” one group are discriminating “against” another and it is wrong, evil, and only encourages strife.  Discriminating against the innocent today for the sins of the guilty of the past is fair to no individual, but blatantly promoted by the race peddlers today.  Discrimination in favor of the innocent today against other innocents today does nothing to help the people harmed in the past.  In short discrimination today will do nothing to remedy the discrimination of the past. Everyone’s ancestors were discriminated against at one point or another.  But I am not owed a debt by the people that did it to my ancestors, nor does anyone owe the reverse.  The sins of the great-grandmothers are not the sins of the sons.

Anyone who favors discrimination based on skin color is a racist.  Period.  Anyone who is against Martin Luther King’s dream of people being judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin is a racist by the definition of racism.  Affirmative action judges people differently based on the color of their skin.  It may be uncomfortable to hear, but affirmative action advocates are racist just as the KKK, no matter that they think racism for a good cause is justified.  Just as Robert Byrd, Democrat Senator, former KKK was a blatant pro-KKK racist until at least 1982, affirmative action advocates will eventually have to confront the fact that they are judging people by the color of their skin, just as the KKK does.  There are plenty of racists who think “racism for a good cause” is okay, but the impact is the same, you are judging based on the color of someone’s skin, the most evil and  ludicrous distinction that can be made.

When the government uses force to enforce racism it is even worse.  Being an ignorant individual is protected in a free society, but government racism is not.  Everyone is free to be stupid, ignorant, smart or anything else as long as they are willing to bear the cost of so being. People are free to make good decisions and bad decisions as long as they are the ones who pay the price for doing so.  However, as the Justices above are both ignorant racists, it is impossible to uphold the law of the land while continuing their racist statements.  Being a racist officer of the court is not protect nor should it be tolerated.

Anything that is government controlled becomes political.

One of the reasons the United States was founded with a Constitution that limits the power of the Federal Government is to preserve freedom.  For the Founders, preserving liberty was their primary concern.  When government controls and interferes everywhere, liberty is then lost.  Instead of the freedom to spend the products of your own life as you see fit, you are forced to vote to spend the products of everyone’s lives the way a majority sees fit.  This is the antithesis of the Founder’s vision and a moral abomination.  But to make matters worse, when you lose the right to dispose of the products of your own life and effort as you see fit, you become a slave to the majority.   There is no right to enslave people by force — or by vote.  Any attempt to do so will justifiably result in acrimoniousness between the potential slaves and their masters.

As one should have noticed over the last 90 years, the more the government gets invovled, the more vitriol every decision evokes.  When everything is government controlled, everything is political.  When any group decides it can vote itself the rewards provided by some other group, disaster will ensue.  Instead of freedom being the operative concept, power-hungry politicians use group and identity politics to increase the involvement of government in as many sectors as possible, knowing that they can then divide people based on differing opinions.  From science to medicine any government involvement means more issues to argue over and divide over.

Group politics – whether economic or “racial*” – only serves one group, those seeking power.  Everyone else loses when they are manipulated into the belief that it is moral to vote yourself ‘benefits’ at someone else’s expense.  Group politics is used to divide and conquer.

Group politics mean dividing people based on skin color (e.g. affirmative action cares about it), religion, income or many other categories.  Stir up resentment that this “other” group is doing something to harm another or that something is unfair and the government will correct it at the point of a gun.  Instant voting block.  Instant issue and instant power.  The individual is the smallest group and the only one with rights.  Every other distinction is disingenuous and used merely by those in power to maintain control.

[*racial: we are all the human race here, the concept of “race” is an ignorant one]

The Republican health care plan is this: Don’t get sick, and if you do get sick, die quickly.

The Republican health care plan is this: Don’t get sick, and if you do get sick, die quickly.  Alan Grayson (Unstable-D-FL)

Two words: unstable, lunatic.

He needs to read what Former Democrat Colorado Governor Richard Lamm said in March 1984 regarding the terminally ill aged: “We’ve got a duty to die and get out of the way with all of our machines and artificial hearts and everything else like that and let the other society, our kids, build a reasonable life.” (Source:

Jail for not buying health insurance or paying the fine.

Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.) received a note from Joint Committee on Taxation Chief of Staff Tom Barthold stating that under section 7203 people who failed to pay the up to $1,900 fee for not buying health insurance would be charged with a misdemeanor and could face up to a year in jail or a $25,000 penalty.

The Politico and others are acting as if this is surprising.  It is not.  Jail at the point of a gun is the final “argument” from the government.

Our freedom slipping away day by day.  Loss of freedom for any reason, even one that some say is a ‘good cause’ is evil.

Energy Secretary Dr. Steven Chu says we are “teenage kids”

The American public…just like your teenage kids, aren’t acting in a way that they should act. The American public has to really understand in their core how important this issue is. Dr. Chu, September 21, 2009

When government runs and funds sciences, the sciences are lost.  No more scientific inquiry.  Too much time licking the boots of their masters.  Remember there can be no scientific inquiry when the government controls you.  Government scientist is a contradiction in terms.  Let’s make a few points clear here:

1. You first, Dr Chu.  Then Al Gore, Prince Charles and all the other blow-hards running around in private jets, multiple huge houses (and so many some Members of Congress “forget” about them). You try it first.

2. It is none of your business what we do, this was founded as a free country with strict Constitutional limits of the powers of government.  Dr. Steven Chu needs to read his American History before he continues to spout fascist-socialist nonsense.

3. Fascism, statism and socialism are not what we want here.

4. Double-speak, thought police, might be acceptable in a totalitarian regime, but not in the United States.

5. Look at sunspots.  Read this [Climate modeling], and this [Al Gore’s house], and this [each leader at U.N. Climate Summit has convoy of vehicles].  “Do as I say, not as I do,” seems to be the motto.

We are not children, Dr. Chu.  We are a country of free individuals and taking orders from crack-pots is not in the plan.

Dr. Steven Chu needs to start with examining his history, his facts, and the Constitution.  After he is done all that, come back and talk to us again.  But the next time Dr. Steven Chu speaks to or about the American people, Chu better do it as equals.  An elitist, authoritarian, imperial set of rulers in Washington?  Is that what you want?