Category Archives: personal responsibility

Wyden says bill could have prevented AIG Bonuses

At the Huffington Post, Democrat Senator Ron Wyden is quoted as saying that had “that legislation [a large tax on bonuses] been passed it would have been a very strong disincentive to anybody paying out bonuses in the future.”  Wyden did vote against the major bailouts, but appears to have voted for the “stimulus.”

Let’s recall a few facts:

1. The “Stimulus” Bill that both Houses and the President approved included provisions authorizing the bonuses.  Perhaps if Congress READ their Bills they would not be able blame someone else when people do what Congress is authorized.

2. A large number of people have made the statement, “but it is taxpayer money.”  I agree that it is taxpayer money.

The real question though is whether we want to go down the path of controlling everyone who receives taxpayer money?

However, if we are going to do so, we need to think about the consequences in detail:

a. If you receive food stamps, shall we limit your choices to low-fat food?  Soda?

b. If you receive Medicare, how much of your life can we control?  Pretty much everything since we are footing the bill. Are you over-weight?  Get on the treadmill.  Do you drink?  Stop, we’re going to pay for your new liver.  Like chocolate?  Sorry, diabetes.  Ride a bike?  Put on a helmet!  Like to sunbathe?  Skin cancer, get inside.  It is taxpayer money paying for your vices.  Should the taxpayers be paying and not having input?

c. Are you on Social Security?  What can’t taxpayers control since we’re paying your bills.


d. Cash for clunkers?  Hope you aren’t a lead foot!

e. ObamaCare – apply the Medicare rules to everyone!

Trading freedom for the chance to pick someone else’s pocket is a bad idea morally and fiscally.

Robert Gibbs has hearing problems?

“it would be charitable to say he doubled down on what he said in January in wishing and hoping for economic failure in this country.” – Robert Gibbs, Press Secretary for President Barack Hussein Obama on Rush Limbaugh, March 2, 2009


Not that Rush Limbaugh needs defending, but Robert Gibbs either purposefully ignores what Rush says, has hearing and reading problems, or is just plain dense.  Anyone who opposes socialism/statism/collectivism should hope that the policies that President Obama proposes fail.  “Success” in this case means LESS FREEDOM and more control of  your lives from Washington.  NO ONE hopes that the country fails economically, anyone who treasures freedom hopes that anti-liberty policies fail.  Gibbs, it is easy to attack a straw man argument, the Presidency deserves real responses, not copouts.


“I can only imagine what might have been said a few years ago if somebody might have said that on the other side relating to what was going on in this country or our  endeavors overseas.” – Gibbs

And it appears his memory is failing too.

HR-45, the Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009

It didn’t take long to introduce more gun ownership regulation.  (See  The short list of requirements are:

1. Guns must be registered (any rifle with a clip or any pistol)

2. You must be fingerprinted.

3. You must supply your social Continue reading HR-45, the Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009

President Clinton Ignores First Amendment

Yesterday (Feb 13, 2009) radio host Mario Solis Marich asked former President Bill Clinton if it was time for “some type of enforced media accountability.”  Clinton replied:

“Well, you either ought to have the Fairness Doctrine or we ought to have more balance on the other side, because essentially there’s always been a lot of big money to support the right wing talk shows and let face it, you know, Rush Limbaugh is fairly entertaining even when he is saying things that I think are ridiculous….”


For someone who attended law school and was President of the United States to blatantly ignore the First Amendment to the Constitution (not to mention the fact that the Constitution gives the Federal Government no power to regulate the press) is appalling.  

When all power is concentrated in Washington and there is no one permitted to speak up for Freedom and Liberty, we can look back on comments such as these and see the steps we took to get there.

Henrietta Hughes has trouble “getting” $400 a month

Where was I going to get $400 a month to give her if I got these expenses,” Henrietta Hughes told WINK News.(This is the woman who had told President Obama on Tuesday (Feb 10, 2009): “I have an urgent need, unemployment and homelessness, a very small vehicle for my family and I to live in.  The housing authority has two years’ waiting lists, and we need something more than the vehicle and the parks to go to. We need our own kitchen and our own bathroom. Please help.”)

Now on Friday  she asked where she was “going to get $400 a month.”  Henrietta,  it is called a J-O-B.  You don’t “get” $400 per month.  You EARN it for doing WORK that is of VALUE to someone else.

I want to know where I’m “going to get $4 million a month.”  The only answer is that I am going to EARN it or I am going to TAKE it from someone else by force.  If I come up with an excuse that I *really* *really* NEED $4 million per month, will Washington send it to me?  

When you are asking for a hand-out from the rest of us (or worse, taking it at the point of a gun),  you better be ready for the strings that come with it.




Obama, Geithner, and Daschle’s rules for the IRS

Less than 2 weeks into the Obama Presidency, we have some new excuses that you can use before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Not.

1. On former Senator and Democratic Leader Tom Daschle, who failed to pay more than $120,000 ($128,203 in taxes and $11964 in interest):  “Nobody’s perfect,” said Obama press secretary Robert Gibbs. “It was a serious mistake. …”  (February 2, 2009)

2. Senator Tom Daschle said he was “deeply embarrassed and disappointed” about Continue reading Obama, Geithner, and Daschle’s rules for the IRS

Biden says higher taxes are patriotic!

After noting that wealthier Americans would indeed pay more taxes, Biden said, “It’s time to be patriotic … time to jump in, time to be part of the deal, time to help get America out of the rut.”

Joe, two questions for you:

First, how patriotic have you been in the past 20 years? Have you been paying extra taxes to be patriotic?

Continue reading Biden says higher taxes are patriotic!

Obama co-sponsers national finger-print database bill

Senators Mel Martinez and Diane Feinstein along with 11 co-sponsors include Barack Obama have authored a bill creating a national finger-print registry according to analysis of the bill. Yet another step towards asurveillancesociety. And another hint of the type of “Change” that Barack Obama will support – fewer freedoms.


Martinez press release:

Heritage Foundation on the issue: