Category Archives: Doing the Right Thing

Sotomayor stated her “wise woman” statement many times

The Obama administration claimed that Sotomayor’s statement about a wise latina woman making a better decision than a white man were “a poor choice of words” earlier this week.

Unfortunately for the Obama administration’s honesty deparment, she has used the phrase repeatedly so her poor choice of words continued over years.  Her filings to the Senate show it was a regular refrain over years.  See

At least the sexist, racist, bigot Sonia Sotomayor was a consistent sexist, racist bigot.  Kudos to Sotomayor for consistency.

President Obama stood for change, but all he has done is brought negative economic change…hypocrisy shown by this administration.

I am disappointed at the hypocrisy shown by this administration.  President Obama is coming to Las Vegas later this month for a political fundraiser, but he will not help the struggling families in Las Vegas and Nevada who are out of work because of his reckless comments [comments in early 2009 regarding Las Vegas business trips].  … [A]pparently our money is good enough for the President, but our tourism, jobs, and economic future are not. This is politics, pure and simple, President Obama stood for change, but all he has done is brought negative economic change to Nevada.   Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons, May 18, 2009


Anderson’s ‘Buy Black’ becomes a national racist movement!

Maggie and John Anderson of Chicago vowed four months ago that for one year, they would try to patronize only black-owned businesses. The “Empowerment Experiment” is the reason John had to suffer for hours with a stomach ache and Maggie no longer gets that brand-name lather when she washes her hair. … Now, the Andersons are following up with 4,000 people who signed up for the experiment on their Web site to gauge their commitment and set up online accounts to track their spending.

Can you imagine the outrage if anyone started a “Buy White” movement?  Instead, let’s try a “buy human” experiment?  Only buy from human owned businesses.  Every other distinction is racist. Continue reading Anderson’s ‘Buy Black’ becomes a national racist movement!

Powell calls for centrism, cares little for Liberty

Colin Powell called for a more centrist Republican party on Tuesday (May 5, 2009).  Whether Powell is a dupe or a closet statist isn’t clear yet, but it looks to be the later.

Mr. Powell, when you cave in on principles and on the defense of liberty you lose.  Perhaps you didn’t realize you were fighting for the freedom Continue reading Powell calls for centrism, cares little for Liberty

Senator Specter’s idea of Justice is Purely Political

“There’s still time for the Minnesota courts to do justice and declare Norm Coleman the winner.” Senator Arlen Specter, (D-PA) to Deborah Solomon, New York Times, paper date May 10, 2009, on-line May 5th. (NYTimes)

“Last night I came to him and I said ‘Arlen what’s all this about?’ And he said ‘I forgot what team I was on.‘” – Senator Reid, CNN with Wolf Blitzer, May 6, 2009, (YouTube video from CNN)

So Senator Specter who stated he wanted the Minnesota court to do “justice” tells Senator Reid later that his answer was because he forgot what team he was on?  Since when should justice depend on what political party Specter belongs to?  When you have a power-hungry Senator!  What an embarrassment to the people of Pennsylvania and the United States.

Arlen Specter the Hypocrite

Copying another well known hypocrite – Jim Jeffords from Vermont – Arlen Specter abandoned his principles in order to retain power.  Well, he never really had principles except being power-hungry, so it was difficult for him to abandon them, but he choose the only route he could to try to maintain his tenuous grip on power but lost his slight remaining grip on reality in the process.

After stating he would not switch parties in a March 17, 2009 interview, today he said he would switch parties:

[Democrats] are trying very hard for the 60th vote. Got to give them credit for trying. But the answer is no. … I am staying a Republican because I think I have an important role, a more important role, to play there. The United States very desperately needs a two-party system. That’s the basis of politics in America. – March 17, 2009

You have to hand it to him, he values POWER over your lives and mine over anything else.  Hope he enjoys it for the next 18 months.  A disgraceful end to a disgraceful political career.

If you wish to read about Arlen Specter’s opponent, Pat Toomey, you can do so here.

Publicity Hounds from Sarah Jane Brain Foundation and Jennipher Dickens

You have to wonder what is going on at the Sarah Jane Brain Foundation. Jennipher Dickens and the Sarah Jane Brain Foundation sent out email this morning (see excerpts below) complaining about the “soul of your [Apple and AT&T] organizations” after a 3rd party wrote an iPhone application called “Baby Shaker.”  The application was removed from the iPhone App Store quickly once it was pointed out how stupid it was.  But that wasn’t enough for them.  It looks like  another attempt to shake-down corporations to support their cause.  The cause, while certainly sympathetic, isn’t well served with tactics like this in my opinion.

SJB Foundation has demanded a response or is threatening a demonstration outside 15 Apple Stores. Seems like the typical tactic when an opportunity comes up: threaten protests, send out emails to get publicity, get a donation or ten from big companies. For a group that is supposed to be doing good work it is extremely disappointing to see  the Sarah Jane Brain Foundation resort to something like this, while I do not doubt their sincerity, shakedowns are not a way to get positive press.

In this case, the “soul of [the Sarah Jane Brain Foundation] organization” seems to be the part lacking.  Positive, useful, productive yes, shakedowns of corporations, no.  Who is in favor of child abuse?  No one in their right minds, but something like this from them?  In short, a very disappointing message from the Sarah Jane Brain Foundation.  Blaming Apple and AT&T for the actions of individuals who have harmed children and babies is insane.

Excerpts below:

The Sarah Jane Brain Foundation held a news conference today outside the Apple Store in downtown Manhattan releasing the letter below to the Boards of Directors of Apple and AT&T. Just about every television network was represented at the news conference so watch your local evening news tonight for complete coverage. While Apple has removed the “BABY SHAKER” app from its online store, Steve Jobs and Randall Stephenson have not issued a personal public apology, Apple has not issued a full accounting of how this was vetted and launched and Apple and AT&T have not offered a significant plan to mitigate the damages they have done to prevent child abuse.

If we do not receive an adequate response from Apple and AT&T by the time we begin our 15-city American PABI Tour on May 3rd ( – to promote awareness and support families who are dealing with PABI) we will hold a demonstration in front of the Apple Store in all 15 cities.

Wyden says bill could have prevented AIG Bonuses

At the Huffington Post, Democrat Senator Ron Wyden is quoted as saying that had “that legislation [a large tax on bonuses] been passed it would have been a very strong disincentive to anybody paying out bonuses in the future.”  Wyden did vote against the major bailouts, but appears to have voted for the “stimulus.”

Let’s recall a few facts:

1. The “Stimulus” Bill that both Houses and the President approved included provisions authorizing the bonuses.  Perhaps if Congress READ their Bills they would not be able blame someone else when people do what Congress is authorized.

2. A large number of people have made the statement, “but it is taxpayer money.”  I agree that it is taxpayer money.

The real question though is whether we want to go down the path of controlling everyone who receives taxpayer money?

However, if we are going to do so, we need to think about the consequences in detail:

a. If you receive food stamps, shall we limit your choices to low-fat food?  Soda?

b. If you receive Medicare, how much of your life can we control?  Pretty much everything since we are footing the bill. Are you over-weight?  Get on the treadmill.  Do you drink?  Stop, we’re going to pay for your new liver.  Like chocolate?  Sorry, diabetes.  Ride a bike?  Put on a helmet!  Like to sunbathe?  Skin cancer, get inside.  It is taxpayer money paying for your vices.  Should the taxpayers be paying and not having input?

c. Are you on Social Security?  What can’t taxpayers control since we’re paying your bills.


d. Cash for clunkers?  Hope you aren’t a lead foot!

e. ObamaCare – apply the Medicare rules to everyone!

Trading freedom for the chance to pick someone else’s pocket is a bad idea morally and fiscally.

Stimulus and EMP (Electromagnetic pulse)

If the Obama Administration really wants to do something productive with the stimulus money, use $100 billion or so and begin to harden the United States Infrastructure against EMP.

A single high-altitude nuclear weapon detonation (perhaps 200 miles) would create an electromagnetic pulse that would cover most of the continental United States, some of Canada and Mexico.  The EMP would disable much of the electronic equipment in the United States.  Even a small – by nuclear weapons standards – fission weapon would do significant damage.  EMP would mean loss of power for everyone.  This would mean no delivery of food or medicine or any other supplies.  People that require water and sewer systems would be without power.  Computers, TVs, radios would be damaged.  The damage would not be a matter of resetting circuit breakers.  Decades would pass before we were back to a 1920 level.  Half a century before we were back to the 1970s.  Tens to hundreds of millions of people would die in the United States within a year from starvation, disease, and untreated medical conditions.  Many more hundreds of millions from around the world would die from ripple effects.

A country such as Iran or North Korea with a nuclear weapon and a delivery system could put the United States back to 1850 in terms of technology in 1 second.  Without a weapon defense system, the United States is completely helpless.

Do we want to be at the mercy of an insane leader of a foreign country?

Two steps that must be taken as soon as possible:

1. Missile defense to stop the EMP before it starts.

2. Try to “harden” much of the United States electrical network.  This is not a quick solution, but should be started.

If we are ever hit by EMP it will be too late.

Obama, Geithner, and Daschle’s rules for the IRS

Less than 2 weeks into the Obama Presidency, we have some new excuses that you can use before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Not.

1. On former Senator and Democratic Leader Tom Daschle, who failed to pay more than $120,000 ($128,203 in taxes and $11964 in interest):  “Nobody’s perfect,” said Obama press secretary Robert Gibbs. “It was a serious mistake. …”  (February 2, 2009)

2. Senator Tom Daschle said he was “deeply embarrassed and disappointed” about Continue reading Obama, Geithner, and Daschle’s rules for the IRS